An ambitious and extensive eight-phase project, Metropolitan Park will offer 3,200 condominium and apartment units, retail space, and several urban parks.
Working closely with the client, county, architects and citizen groups, LSG is providing extensive landscape design, as well as site and construction documentation services, for this major mixed-use development.
LSG has designed a landscape that both reflects and resonates with the existing architecture, creating a uniquely cohesive hierarchy of private to public spaces through the use of interconnected courtyards and plazas. Gracing the design throughout are plantings, security gates, walks, walls, terraces, pools and deck areas.
A strong unifying geometry is being created through the thoughtful patterning of tree bosques and planting beds, artfully arranged to reinforce the inter-connectivity of the various phased parcels.
In addition, as a partner in the public art process, LSG is working closely with an art consultant and citizen groups to select appropriate art pieces to enrich and enliven the site.
Phase Three of the project is ongoing.